Manchester 2023 Voters Guide
The Community Media Center has created this voters guide a public service to the residents of Carroll County to help provide access to important election information. The Community Media Center is pleased to provide this valuable programming to the residents of Carroll County. We encourage local citizens to exercise their right to vote. To learn more view our Political Campaign Content Policy.
Election Results
Candidates for Mayor
Melinda D. Smith - 180 Votes
Ryan M. Warner -133 Votes
Candidates for Council
Jennifer L. Miller - 179 Votes
Ryan H. Nazelrod - 207 Votes
Vincent C. Pacelli - 156 Votes
Bob Graham (write-in) - 2 Votes

Manchester Mayoral Candidates
The following individuals are running for the office of Mayor

Manchester Town Council Candidates
The following individuals are running for two (2) available seats on the Manchester Town Council